They asked, we listened! CEOC's Ethiopian Hour Group has been convening regularly for about a year now, with the help of CEOC's Program and Advocacy Coordinator, Yemi, who facilitates the group. At the health fair we hosted in June, almost all of the Ethiopian Hour participants requested more information on hypertension and measuring blood pressure at home. Many of them had been told by their doctor that they had high blood pressure, but they were left with questions about how to manage it without medications and monitor it periodically.
In response to this feedback, we partnered with the Cambridge Public Health Department's Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) department and the City's Language Access Manager to host an interactive hypertension workshop for the Ethiopian Hour participants. The HEAL department put together a workshop on hypertension, nutrition, and movement, which included activities and handouts. The City's Language Access Manager helped us hire an Amharic interpreter and get all the materials translated. The Cambridge Public Health Department's Health Equity Specialist, Dr. Ukpong Etteh, also helped take blood pressure readings at the event.
The room was packed with participants interested in learning more about their health! They were grateful that we brought this workshop to them, and are looking forward to a Part 2!
