Monday, July 8th marked the first meeting of the new Cambridge Food Pantry Neighbor Advisory Council (CFP-NAC)! This council is made up of 11 Cambridge residents with lived or living experience of food insecurity. The represent 6 different neighborhoods, speak 8 languages among them, and have lived in Cambridge for a range of 6 months to 30+ years. The CFP-NAC will serve as an advisory body for all of the food pantries in the Cambridge Food Pantry Network. They will use their expertise, skills, and experiences to provide feedback and recommendations for food pantries, advocate for change with elected officials, and share their stories with the community. They will also be empowered as community leaders to convene other community members and people in their network of friends and family to participate in focus groups, surveys, and feedback sessions. We are so excited about this group! We know that our food pantry patrons and those with lived experience of food insecurity are the experts, and we are honored that this group of superstars was willing to share their expertise with the Cambridge food pantries. Stay tuned for more updates about this group!

Pictured are a few of the CFP-NAC members. From left to right: Alice, Dexy, Jenny, Raquel, Leslie, and staff member Rabeya.